Pick for Britain
Delivering 150,000 impressions in one week for the ‘Pick for Britain’ COVID-19 recruitment drive
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Driving efficiencies and performance for Musicroom using Facebook's automation features
Musicroom offers hundreds of thousands of different products, tailored to suit every musician’s need. Social media is a core channel for both customer acquisition and engagement for Musicroom, so the need to investigate the best way to maximise product exposure to the right audience while avoiding the manual setup of product ads and granular audiences became apparent. Furthermore, we needed to develop a method to optimise these campaigns at scale across a multitude of products. Our core goals were to increase site traffic and drive revenue through Facebook activity.
To optimise the time spent setting up ads manually and maximise the performance across the campaigns, we proposed a dynamic approach to advertising on social media:
Switching to dynamic remarketing and dynamic retargeting of broad in-market audiences allowed us to automate audience targeting and product advertising while increasing catalogue sales and maximising return on ad spend (ROAS).
Dynamic retargeting of broad in-market audiences to increase site traffic:
Dynamic retargeting of website users to drive revenue: