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A step forward towards automation: Responsive Search Ads are now the default in Google Ads
Many of the recent Google updates have indicated a move towards automation and a more streamlined account management experience. Switching the default ad type from Expanded...
Alberto Pontin
18 Mar 2021
Google combines broad match modified and phrase match types
On 18th February, Google released an update announcing that phrase and broad match modified (BMM) keywords will function as the same match type and match the same searches...
Christina Ahmed
16 Feb 2021
Talking performance in the lead up to Black Friday
With Black Friday just around the corner and the festive season fast-approaching, brands are preparing for a very different looking peak in 2020. Our Director of Paid Media...
25 Nov 2020
How to reach your audience through Amazon, even if you’re not a retailer
Amazon, as a top online marketplace, offers huge opportunity for businesses to reach out to, and interact with, over 300 million users worldwide. It’s often assumed that...
Johan Holmberg
24 Jul 2020
New year, new takeover from Twitter
Twitter recently announced the global launch of a new takeover ad unit called the Promoted Trend Spotlight. The new ad format sits in the explore tab and enables advertiser...
Shiblu Ahmed
08 Jan 2020
How digital audio (podcasts) is becoming a valuable medium to advertise on
In an industry of endless evolving technology, marketers and brands are constantly finding new ways to engage with their audience. The latest of these being podcast adverti...
Kit Bienias
12 Aug 2019
Everything you need to know about Google’s gallery ad
Google recently rolled out a new image-based ad format that competes in the same auction as texts ads within the search engine on mobile, called the gallery ad.
Simon Prentice
15 May 2019
What advertisers need to know about Responsive Search Ads
When it comes to assessing paid media performance, many advertisers are comparing Responsive Search Ads (RSAs) with Expanded Text Ads (ETAs). However, this isn’t a fair com...
02 Apr 2019
The new Google Policy manager will make marketers’ lives a little bit easier
Disapproved keywords and ads can happen at any time and can take marketers by surprise – and while the fixing process isn’t terribly complex, Google is going to make advert...
20 Mar 2019