The Bottle Club

Helping The Bottle Club to launch Baileys Red Velvet through an integrated paid search and social campaign

The Objectives

The Bottle Club was looking to drive awareness of its exclusive Baileys Red Velvet product launch. It also wanted to generate online sales of the new product in the weeks following the launch.

The Strategy

  • We built out new paid search campaigns, using keywords focused around the Baileys Red Velvet product, and used highly relevant ads
  • We set up Google Shopping campaigns to push Baileys Red Velvet through a visual ad format and enhanced these campaigns with bid strategies to generate traffic and conversions
  • Value-based lookalike audiences were set up from previous purchasers and Baileys’ product viewers on Facebook and Instagram. We supported these campaigns with broader product interest targeting to balance reach and efficiency
  • We used dynamic creative to test multiple ad copy variations, delivering the most suitable variant to each user along with customised ads based on placement

The Results

  • Over the course of 10 weeks, the Baileys campaigns drove a significant amount of traffic and sales
  • Google search volumes increased 29% WoW
  • CTR was 290% higher than the account average
  • On Facebook and Instagram, 93% of delivery was on premium news feed and story placements
  • 59% of conversions through paid social were last-click
  • Many customers also purchased other Baileys products from The Bottle Club at the same time